Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay What is Psychology and Who Are Psychologists

Psychology is an extensive field of scientific studies from behaviors to mental processing (Zimbardo et. all, 2010, p.2). Psychology is also not to be confused with â€Å"common sense facts†, nor should it be considered only speculation. Psychology follows an empirical approach based on observations as well as scientific research (Zimbardo et. all, 2010, p.3). Often in our culture we see â€Å"factual† information being shown as proven scientifically, when in reality is pseudopsychology, or psychological findings that are falsely presented as scientific (Zimbardo et. all, 2010, p.4). This pseudopsychology can be harmful to people by aiding false beliefs that can lead to over generalized stereotypes and myths of certain people (Zimbardo et. all,†¦show more content†¦(Zimbardo et. all, 2010, pp. 15-19). Psychologists, just like any other scientist, use the scientific method for research and studies (Zimbardo et. all, 2010, p.28). Psychologists start of with a hyp othesis that they then test through having a controlled test, gathering data, and finally analyzing the data to see if it goes with or against the hypothesis (Zimbardo et. all, 2010, p. 29-31). All of the studies are conducted to eliminate any biases (Zimbardo et. all, 2010, p.36). Ethics are also always measured when doing research and help lay out basic guidelines for the experiments taking place (Zimbardo et. all, 2010, p.37). After organizing and analyzing all the data collected, researchers can then draw conclusions on the research. Researchers use descriptive characteristics to distinguish measurements of the people as well as inferential characteristics to measure the result of chance (Zimbardo et. all, 2010, pp. 41-43). Before reading these two chapters, did not know how research was put together and how it is considered significant. I learned that research was put together just as any other scientific experiment was, however instead of showing a cause and effect reaction th e data collected from the research showcased how certain occurrences are related (Zimbardo et. all, 2010, p.31). I also learned that data is considered significant when the probability of the data being â€Å"due to chanceShow MoreRelatedAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Forensic Psychology1406 Words   |  6 PagesForensic Psychology At Its Core More than half of the world’s population is filled with criminals, individuals wonder why criminals do what they do. In order to have these questions answered, a Forensic Psychologist’s is needed, the basic definition of a Forensic Psychologist is an individual that treats criminal- related people. 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Psychologists study both normal and abnormal behavior to understand it. Psychologists also try to use what we learn from that study to help people change aspects of their behavior that they want to change. Areas of psychology are clinical, industrial, and developmental. Careers in Psychology offer varied opportunities. Employment opportunities for capable psychologists are expected to be slightly better than average over theRead MoreThe Health Of Health Psychology999 Words   |  4 PagesHealth Psychology Introduction Health psychologists range from a wide area of careers and fields. They focus on how health and illnesses are effected by factors such as psychology, biology and social factors. Health psychologists also seek to answer, â€Å"how people cope with chronic illness (both their own and others’)† (Lyons, Chamberlain, 2006, p. 6). 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Similarities Between Socrates And Machiavelli - 1649 Words

Socrates and Machiavelli both existed during times of political unrest. Both men sought different means of political leadership, and could be seen as activists of their times. During times of war and unrest, it was a bold choice that both men made to stand up for their beliefs and speak out against the system. However, Socrates wouldn’t have agreed with Machiavelli’s means and concepts of the Prince and his ideas for how a political establishment should function. Machiavelli’s means may have been justified by his ends, but they completely go against what Socrates stood for in his time. Socrates and Machiavelli seem to have been incredibly different people. Socrates did what he felt was just, despite the laws. He stood by his actions, even†¦show more content†¦Machiavelli, however, held a different opinion in regards to the public. Machiavelli’s book has many instances where he talks about the public’s opinion, and how it affects the Prince. His ideal concept of a Prince seemed to include being highly praised by the people. In fact, he included an entire chapter on avoiding hatred and contempt from the people, where he discusses the necessity of avoiding hatred and being despised at all costs. In Machiavelli’s chapter on means of rising to power, he notes that high opinions of you from fellow citizens can lead to a rise to power. Socrates wouldn’t have functioned well in this political climate, because, as he tells Crito, one shouldn’t worry about the public’s opinion, and opt to instead listen to the advice of wise experts. Machiavelli believed that even men who commit criminal acts can rise to power, though they can never have glory. In Chapter 15, Machiavelli also mentions how a Prince should only have qualities that are deemed â€Å"good† by other men, but, again, Socrates doesn’t believe in minding the public’s opinion about you, so he would disagree with this notion. Socrates would see a ruler as someone who does what he believes is morally good for the state, or take advice from an expert on the topic. Machiavelli also included a chapter regarding gaining honors, chapter 21, which, he states, could be done by accomplishing certain feats that gained theShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Socrates And Machiavelli1197 Words   |  5 Pages Socrates and Machiave lli both grew up in times of political instability which formed and shaped their political beliefs. Machiavelli primarily discussed his view of how a leader should behave in the book: The Prince. A prince is an individual who is the leader of a state or group of people. Machiavelli’s version of a prince is very accurate but, Socrates would not support Machiavelli’s version of a prince. Machiavelli believed a prince must be domineering and aggressive, while Socrates viewedRead MoreSimilarities Between Socrates And Machiavelli1905 Words   |  8 PagesEssay 1 While Socrates and Machiavelli lived over 1900 years apart, the dilemmas their societies faced draw many parallels. In Machiavelli’s â€Å"The Prince†, he demonstrates a wide-ranging set of rules and principles to be followed by a leader to ensure the steady maintenance of authority and stability in a state or principality. Not only would Socrates be opposed to many of the espoused views in â€Å"The Prince† on what creates a successful ruler, thereby society, but had he lived in Machiavelli’s â€Å"ideal†Read MoreSimilarities Between Socrates And Machiavelli1084 Words   |  5 Pagesamong them were Socrates and Machiavelli, whose ideas regarding violence and its ideal usage to us inspired countless other prominent figures after their respective times. Socrates believed humans are imperfect and fallible, and should therefore avoid using violence. Machiavelli on the on the other hand considered violence a useful tool in achieving one’s goals . Considering both thinkers’ impacts on history, a question arises: whose concept of violence is more corrupting, Socrates’ or Machiavelli’sRead MoreSimilarities Between Machiavelli And Socrates1534 Words   |  7 PagesGovernment 241: Political Philosophy Professor Ives October 13, 2017 The morality which guided Socrates were an end all, be all for him. He did not wish to live without his search for truth. Socrates would see a Machiavellian Prince as self-centered, and void of morals. A Machiavellian prince would not appreciate the way Socrates carried himself and would see him as a challenge to his authority. Socrates would not support a Machiavellian society because most likely he would not be free to philosophizeRead MoreSimilarities Between Machiavelli And Socrates1250 Words   |  5 PagesMachiavelli and Socrates are two of the most influential figures in modern day political philosophy. These two individuals established the bases for our interpretation of the world and human political interaction. While they were separated by centuries and a significant geographic distance, it is fascinating nonetheless to ponder what they would think of each other. Sadly it is impossible to ask themselves and so we must instead turn to their writings in order to glean an ide a of what their opinionsRead MoreSimilarities Between Machiavelli And Socrates1544 Words   |  7 PagesMachiavelli and Socrates agree on very little. While an initial reading of the two may elicit some comparisons, the goals of their respective philosophies rely on different foundations, and would therefore culminate in very different political results for society. Socrates would likely see in the Prince a selfish ruler, while Machiavelli would see in Socrates a dangerous idealist whose ideas would lead to instability and the death of the state in which these ideas were implemented. Machiavelli’sRead MoreSimilarities Between Socrates And Machiavelli1803 Words   |  8 PagesMachiavelli and Socrates were beings of their time. The world around them shaped their views, and their views have in turn shaped ours. While both lived through turbulent times, they do not share the same ideology. Socrates would dislike Machiavelli’s description of the ideal prince, regardless o f how the prince actually ruled. Socrates would oppose both how the prince got to power and keeps it, as well as the society over which he rules. Socrates assigned certain responsibilities to both the rulerRead MoreSimilarities Of Socrates And Machiavelli1669 Words   |  7 PagesBoth Socrates and Machiavelli emerged as renowned thinkers of their time because of their approaches to government that moved away from idealism and towards a rational and real approach. To understand why Socrates would be critical of Machiavelli’s concept of a Prince we must understand the similarities and differences between the two philosophers, and then analyze if Socrates would find his ruling system to be efficient. Socrates and Machiavelli value the qualities of a strong and fair ruler, howeverRead MoreMachiavelli And Socrates1579 Words   |  7 PagesMachiavelli and Socrates Niccolo Machiavelli and Socrates both lived during turbulent, political times. Machiavelli in Florence, Italy and Socrates in Athens. Machiavelli’s The Prince outlines the necessary features and traits of a sovereign, primarily, a Prince. It served as a handbook to effective rulership in the 16th century. By analyzing Machiavelli’s belief that a prince should be strategically feared, the role of free will , and the role of the people , I will argue that Machiavelli hasRead MoreThe Ideas Of Machiavelli And Socrates1988 Words   |  8 PagesThe ideas of Machiavelli and Socrates have influenced the leadership styles and approaches of leaders around the world. From Stalin to the founding fathers of the United States, Machiavellian influenced motives and ideals can be seen throughout modern history. Socrates is often referred to as the founder of Western philosophy, and his teachings have been passed on to leaders over the centuries. This paper will state both the Machiavel li’s concept of a ‘Prince’, and present Socrates’ perspective on

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Pygmalion Monologue Essay Paper Example For Students

Pygmalion Monologue Essay Paper A monologue from the play by George Bernard Shaw NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Androcles and the Lion; Overruled; Pygmalion. Bernard Shaw. New York: Brentano\s, 1916. DOOLITTLE: It ain\t the lecturing I mind. I\ll lecture them blue in the face, I will, and not turn a hair. It\s making a gentleman of me that I object to. Who asked him to make a gentleman of me? I was happy. I was free. I touched pretty nigh everybody for money when I wanted it, same as I touched you, Enry Iggins. Now I am worried; tied neck and heels; and everybody touches me for money. It\s a fine thing for you, says my solicitor. Is it? says I. You mean it\s a good thing for you, I says. When I was a poor man and had a solicitor once when they found a pram in the dust cart, he got me off, and got shut of me and got me shut of him as quick as he could. Same with the doctors: used to shove me out of the hospital before I could hardly stand on my legs, and nothing to pay. Now they finds out that I\m not a healthy man and can\t live unless they looks after me twice a day. In the house I\m not let do a hand\s turn for myself: somebody else must do it and touch me for it. A year ago I hadn\t a relative in the world except one or two that wouldn\t speak to me. Now I\ve fifty, and not a decent week\s wages among the lot of them. I have to live for others and not for myself: that\s middle class morality. You talk of losing Eliza. Don\t you be anxious: I bet she\s on my doorstep by this: she that could support herself easy by selling flowers if I wasn\t respectable. And the next one to touch me will be you, Enry Iggins. I\ll have to learn to speak middle class language from you, instead of speaking proper English. That\s where you\ll come in; and I daresay that\s what you done it for.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Respect vs. Disrespect free essay sample

By Osita Onyebuchi Respect vs. Disrespect Have you ever met someone who was rude to you and didnt hold you with much regard? How did you feel? Did you feel angry? What do you think respect is? How is respect earned? Respect is an important way of being kind and good to other people. We live in a society that respect is earned not given. With respect there is also an opposite side of disrespect. The definition of respect is to consider worthy of high regard. There are different forms of respect, the word respect is defined as the condition of being esteemed or honored. Disrespect, on the other hand, is defined as a lack of respect. Respect has great importance in everyday life; everyone wants to be respected. Even those who do not give respect expect to be respected by others. We may also learn that how our lives go depends every bit as much on whether we respect ourselves. We will write a custom essay sample on Respect vs. Disrespect or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The value of self-respect may be something we can take for granted, or we may discover how very important it is when our self-respect is threatened, or we lose it and have to work to regain it, or we have to struggle to develop or maintain it in a hostile environment. Some people find that finally being able to respect them is what matters most   Ã‚  It is acknowledged widely that there are many different kinds of respect. Respect may come in different forms, but it will still be perceived as respect. Respect in your family household is very important for a child and any other individual. For example, a child may choose to obey their parent because their parent is very strict and the child doesn’t want to get on their bad side. This form of respect could also be perceived as fear because the child is worried about how the parent will react if they choose to misbehave. The child would also respect their parent in a way that if they were to request something, the parents will grant the favor. Another example is a police officer respecting the rights of a man they just arrested. This form of respect is leaning towards unalienable rights. The police officer have to give you the respect that you deserve even when you are the one wrong in the situation. The respect goes a long way in our legal system because it’s the foundation on how criminals should be treated. Everybody akes mistakes especially criminals so you should always resect them even if you don’t approve of what they did. We are not in the place to judge anybody regardless of what they did. Everyone’s rights are respected regardless of merit. Another example is a child respecting and looking up to a celebrity. The child is in awe and therefore respects the celebrity. Besides those three examples, there is also religion. In different religions and culture comes major respe ct. The gestures you make with one culture is different with other cultures and religions. The culture of the people of China and Africa demand respect. For example, taking off your shoes before you enter into a house is very big in China but not as big in the United States. Another example would be calling your elders â€Å"aunt† or â€Å"uncle†. In Africa that is major respect, you can’t walk into somebody house and don’t greet them by saying â€Å"aunt or uncle†, Religious tolerance does not mean one cannot express his own beliefs. It does mean that seeking to undermine or attack the religious faith and beliefs of another has always been a short road to  trouble. It doesn’t matter if you dont worship the sam GOD the person next to you, just have respect for their religious beliefs. Cultures and religions are very important to people, so therefore respecting them is also very important. The last example is respect in the workplace. When you are at work there are so many rules you have to follow when it comes to respecting your co-workers. For example, there’s is a various amount of beautiful women at your workplace and you tend to gain interest in the person other than business relationship. I would advise not to do it due to the fact that it may come off as a form of disrespect. When it comes to building a relationship in the workplace it just doesn’t work out so try to stay away from that. Aside from respect, there is also disrespect. From being slapped by someone to being publically humiliated, disrespect is alive and well in today’s society. Just like respect, disrespect also comes in different forms. Verbal disrespect is a form of disrespect seen virtually everywhere. Raising your voice to an adult in public, using harsh words towards one another are some examples of verbal disrespect. Verbal disrespect does not always appear to be disrespect. For example, cutting someone off while they are speaking and lying and manipulation. When you cut somebody off when they are speaking that shows the person that you are not listening to them and don’t care about what they have to say. Many people are being verbally disrespected but do not notice it because it is not always as harsh as other forms of disrespect. Another form of disrespect is technological disrespect. Many people are disrespected and humiliated on social networks such Facebook, Twitter, and etc. But it doesn’t stop there, emailing texting, and even when talking on the phone can lead to technological disrespect. There is a lot of disrespect on the internet such as Facebook, both male and female can comment on somebody picture and say something sexual that the person would take offensive in disrespect. On twitter people can tweet something sexual and the only reason people are doing it because of fear so they hide behind a computer. Aside from technological disrespect is an even bigger issue of disrespect, physical disrespect. We’ve all heard about violence, not just in relationships but violence in general. Some examples of physical disrespect is violence in a relationship, physically hurting your children or family, or physically harming yourself. Physical disrespect is probably one of the worst forms of disrespect because it not only affects you physically but also emotionally and cognitively. One example of Physical disrespect is the bus driver incident that was over the news. A man should never put his hands on a female regardless of any circumstance. Physical abuse leaves scars that will not go away. In a relationship if you are getting physically disrespected, you should not be in the relationship than, no relationship is worth getting hit all the time. There are many variables when it comes to respect and disrespect. If you always respect a person it is likely that they will disrespect you. In this society that we live in treat others the way that you want to be treated. Respect goes a long way in life. Respect is to consider somebody that is high worthy. Everybody should be high worthy to you , just go by the guidelines provided below and you will be a respected person and also know how important it is to respect somebody else. Work Cite Page Koppelman, A. (2010). How Shall I Praise Thee? Brian Leiter on Respect for Religion. San Diego Law Review, 47(4), 961-986. Colker, J. (2012). THE DANGER OF DISRESPECT. Smart Business Chicago, 9(11), 10.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Racial Discrimination, Deviance, and Redemption in “Crash” Essay Example

Racial Discrimination, Deviance, and Redemption in â€Å"Crash† Paper Paul Haggis’ (2004) movie â€Å"Crash† is a powerful portrayal on the way in which racial discrimination as a complex social problem affects the lives of people. Set in Los Angeles, the movie shows how different people often â€Å"crash† into each other’s lives and unconsciously create ripples in these interactions. The effectivity of Higgis’ depiction lies on the utter simplicity by which the movie is able to show the nuances of interlocking problems from multiple perspectives. Interestingly, the movie also poses the problem of coping in a multi-cultural society where racism is almost a norm in itself and shows how gender and socio-economic gaps contribute to and reinforce racial stereotypes and biases. The film’s exploration on the barriers erected by racial, gender, and income disparities is perhaps best portrayed by Matt Dillon who plays the character John Ryan, a police officer who has been working for seventeen years with the Los Angeles Police Department. Ryan is a single, white, male who lives with and takes care of his aging father off-duty and who spends most of the time in the movie demanding a better doctor from his father’s healthcare company. Ryan is both a dutiful son to his father and the police force, however, his character harbors the frustration resulting from the conflicts of his status as a male Caucasian in the lower rungs of the economic ladder which prevents him from providing better quality of healthcare to his ailing father. It is from thses conflicting roles that his bitterness and disdain towards privileged people of color arises. We will write a custom essay sample on Racial Discrimination, Deviance, and Redemption in â€Å"Crash† specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Racial Discrimination, Deviance, and Redemption in â€Å"Crash† specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Racial Discrimination, Deviance, and Redemption in â€Å"Crash† specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Most of the poignant scenes which emphasize his bitterness and his attempt to compensate for his disadvantaged position show Ryan attempting to get back at his perceived tormentors either by physically or verbally harassing them using his position as a police officer and his status as a Caucasian. In the early part of the film, for instance, he is the stereotypical white, racist cop who stops an SUV driven for no apparent reason than the fact that it is driven by a black American and proceeds to create false charges against him. Clearly a case of selective perception where people are almost always quick to prejudge other people based on the color of their skin or other stereotypes, Ryan treats the man, a film director, like a common criminal. Unfortunately, the man’s wife, played by Thandie Newton, sees the cop’s real agenda for stopping them and protests arrogantly that â€Å"You thought you saw a white woman performing fellatio on a black man? †¦ †¦? that’s why you stopped us. † (Haggis, 2004) This visibly enrages Ryan who, not wanting to show weakness and lose his power in front of his much younger police partner, retaliates by subjecting the woman to a body search and sexually offending her. The act is both an offense and an insult against the woman and her husband, who are forced to endure the harassment and even apologize to the police officer for a supposed crime. In another scene, Ryan pays Shaniqua a personal visit to discuss his father’s deteriorating health and painful condition which expectedly ends in conflict when he subjects her to racial slurs in an attempt to compel her to do more for his father. He tells her of his father’s effort to provide employment in his business and of the loss he suffered when the Government started adopting a preference for companies owned by racial minorities. She is not moved by Ryan’s tirade of his father’s contribution to the African-American community, however, because of Ryan’s racist remarks and instead tells him that she would have signed the necessary papers if Ryan had been nicer.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Explain How Brazil is Protecting its Rainforests essays

Explain How Brazil is Protecting its Rainforests essays The Amazons rainforest has an immense natural resource. It can provide timber and a large range of plants, food crops and medicines. The forest also has a significant effect on the Worlds weather. It is also home to hundreds of thousands of distinctive wildlife species. Nevertheless, the government has a responsibility to bring development to the 14 million people who live in the Brazilian Amazon and to find ways of getting better lives for all the individuals by using its recourses wisely. All the industrialising countries have accomplished their success in this way. According to figures published by the World Bank in 1988,it was known that 12% of the Amazon had been cleared. The Brazilian National Space Research Institute reached a worse approximation of 5%. A figure, which was reached by the NASA (the US space agency) mentioned that the forest is being cleared at only 0.3% each year. This is a smaller amount than the rate of forests being cleared in the United States. I think that it is easy for people like us, who live outside Brazil to imagine that the forest is being destroyed and no one is able to do anything about it. Thankfully some important steps have been taken in recent years to try to protect the rainforests. In 1987, the Polamazonia programme for setting up development areas in the Amazon was suspended. Then in 1988 the Brazilian Constitution emphasized the need to protect the environment. Then the year after that, development towards protection was being done. A programme named the Nossa Natureza which means our nature recognized a Natural Environment Fund. The Institute backs this programme for Environmental and Renewable Resources (IBAMA) in this same year tax inducement for agriculture and livestock developments in the Amazon was suspended. 6 years later, in 1995, all companies using wood as raw material or energy source had to get their ma...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International Business Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

International Business - Dissertation Example Introduction China has risen to become a leading player in international business. China’s rise has been gradual, since the late 1970’s to date. In prior years, China was a socialist state but in the past three decades, China has done a lot to convert itself into a consumerist economy. From the 1980’s China began to relax some of its restrictions on trade operations (Tseng & Zebregs, 2002). This relaxation of trade constraints has made China a very lucrative place for International Business. Foreign investment has had a huge impact on business development in China. This essay is going to discuss foreign investors, rules governing foreign investment in China, and how some of these rules have been relaxed to contain foreign entrepreneurs. Relevance statement The significance of this essay is that it will act as a supportive lead to people wishing to do business in China, especially foreign investors. In modern times, there has been a rush by investors to set up bus inesses in China. Competition for investment in China is very high and businessmen need to know what to expect of China’s trade regulations. ... For this reason, various works of literature have been written in a quest to understand how China has managed to get to the top of international business. As indicated earlier on in this essay, China had very strict laws on how to conduct business especially with foreigners. Nonetheless, China realized the disadvantages of such strict policies and improved its relations with international markets by initiating various government reforms towards the relaxation of trade policies. For example, Li (2001) states that the government of China did way with a provision that required all foreigners running firms in the country to locally source for raw materials. Today, foreign entrepreneurs in China are allowed to purchase raw materials form outside China, in order to facilitate the growth of their businesses. The fact that China accepts individual investors form foreign countries to operate in the country is an achievement. Previously, China only allowed investors to set up businesses by use of joint ventures. According to Graham & Harm (2006) joint ventures continue to be the most prominent form of foreign investment in China. Methodology In this essay, I will use qualitative methods such as interviews and questionnaires to collect information. I will also use quantitative techniques such as statistics to affirm the information. I will distribute questionnaires to various foreign investors in various regions in China. This will enable me get actual information on how the relaxation of various economic policies has eased foreign business in China. I will also interview government officials to find out what specific policies have been done away with, or relaxed to allow for more foreign investment. In order to obtain statistical data on the growth of foreign ventures